Topical Index


authority of, 316–318

priesthood of, 317–318

Abraham and Sarah, 89–90

achievement orientation (in technological society), 497

Acts of Paul, 118

adam, 12–13, 16, 36

Adam (as type of Jesus), 36–39


New Testament injunction, 196

women and subordination, 92–93

agapē, 80, 158


animal studies, 413

cross-cultural studies, 411–412

male character, 658

man/woman differences, 404–405, 436

ahab (root of agapē), 81n

Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 296–297

anēr (male), 13n, 131

anthrōpos (human), 13n, 131

anxiety, 517, 663–664

man/woman differences, 407

Apollos, 108

apostle, 116, 130

Apostolic Church Order, 312

Apostolic Constitutions, 312

Aquila, 108, 116, 133

ascetic movement, 314–316

Augustine, 299–300

authentein (authority), 199–201

authenticity, 500–501, 546–547, 605–606


biblical vs. contemporary views of, 55–56

bypassing scriptural, 358–375

of scripture, 333–357

socialism and, 527

and teaching, 201

baptism, 144

Bardwick, Judith, 475–476

Basil of Caesarea, 321

behavioral psychology. See behaviorism

behaviorism, 465

Bem, Sandra, 468

Bernard, Jessie, 470

biodeterminism, 452–456

bodily experience (man/​woman differences), 395–398

Boucher, Madeleine, 165–166, 234

brain (man/​woman differences), 409

Buytendijk, F. J. J., 390–391, 395, 399–401

canon. See scripture: canonicity of

care-subordination, 41


order of virgins, 315

and personal relationships, 669–671

value of, 163–164

Chafetz, Janet, 469

charitable service, 110–113

childbearing, 31, 208–211


discipline, 69

guidelines for, 617

New Testament practice, 64–70

Christian character, 650–653

Christian community. See community (Christian)

Christian ethics, 544–550

Christian Liberationist

approach to culture, 274–285

exegesis, 230–235


challenged in twentieth century, 589–591, 598–599

historical challenges to, 537–540

modern ethics and, 548–550

modern ideologies and, 539–540

modern secular influences on, 540–543

and non-Christian ethical systems, 544–550

Chrysostom, John, 61, 91, 136, 297–299, 308–309

church Fathers. See specific topics

church, modern

community in, 596–597

leadership in, 642–650

Church of Sweden, 234–235

church orders, 194–195, 311–312

See also specific councils and synods

circumcision, 144

Clement of Alexandria, 117–118, 293–294

Clement of Rome, 127–128, 291–292, 337

commitment (in technological society), 497–498

community (Christian)

as a people, 591–594

authority in, 202–204

cultural considerations, 635

defined, 39

early vs. contemporary church, 124–130

family in, 617–618

governance, 125–130, 203–204, 348–349

leadership in, 303–332, 642–650

modern society and, 608–613

need for, 580–584

order in New Testament, 347–348

restoration of, 591–608

role differences in, 214–216

roles in New Testament, 102–103, 135–136

service roles in, 134–139

social roles in, 599–604, 648–650

social structure in New Testament church, 261–267

and socialism, 611–612

subordination in, 42, 80

in technological society, 617–618, 626–629

and traditionalism, 608–610

women’s participation in worship, 169–193, 189–193

community order, 194–195

complementarity, 23, 211

Council of Laodicea, 313

Council of Saragossa, 313

Council of Toledo, 313

creation account

historicity, 5–8

man and woman, 24–26

sexes and, 10–23

truth value, 7–9

cross-cultural patterns, 422–434


attitudes toward, 279–281

Christian truth and, 284–285

Christianity as God’s, 281

evolution and, 280

expression of sex differences in, 424–425

in relationship to God, 282–283

current practice of the church, 568–571

deacon, 118–119

charitable service and, 110–113

position, 122–123

deaconess, 115, 313

authority of, 123–124

restoration of, 623–624

role, 118–124

Dead Sea Scrolls, 247–248

Deborah (prophetess), 105–106, 349

dependence (man/​woman differences), 436

descent group structure, 426–427

development of doctrine, 565–568

Didascalia Apostolorum, 121, 311

Diognetus (Epistle to), 610

disciples, 250–252

discrimination (objection to social roles), 607–608

division of labor. See labor, division of

divorce, 148

Jesus’ approach, 3–5

domestic roles (man/​woman division), 423–424

domination (oppressive subordination), 32, 41

early church. See specific topics

education, 619–620

effeminacy, 654–655

elders, 130–131, 644–648

guidelines for, 622–623

social roles and, 304

women as, 130–134, 304–306, 645–650

Ellul, Jacques, 494–495


female dependence on men, 664–665

man/​woman differences, 390–391, 394, 406–408

empathy, 392

Enlightenment, the, 538

epimeleomai (care for), 50

Epiphanius of Salamis, 123, 307–308

episkopos (bishop), 84

Epistle to Diognetus, 610

equality, 154, 545

church Fathers on, 295

Erikson, Erik, 391

eros, 81n

ethics (Christian vs. non-Christian), 544–550

ethology, 437–439

Eusebius, 104–105

Evangelical Feminism, 230–235

Eve, 205–208


definition, 225

difficulties in, 228–230

Liberationist, 230–235

restatement, 229–230

ezer, 24n

Fall, the, 29–31

impact on man-woman relationship, 205–213

family (the), 72–73

childrearing in, 64–71

in Christian tradition, 290–302

community and, 617–618

extended family, 48–49

feminism and, 455

guidelines for strengthening, 616–618, 638–642

husband’s role in, 48–56

male/​female relationships and, 434–435

New Testament roles, 95–103, 134–139

role breakdown in, 453–455

roles in, 46–71

structure, 46

subordination in, 622–623

in technological society, 484, 502–510

in traditional society, 484

wife’s role in, 56–64, 97–101

working mothers and, 680

Fascism, 525


childrearing, 64–70

role, 48–56

father-son relationship, 64–68

Fathers of the church. See specific topics

fear (man/​woman differences), 407

female characteristics (summarized), 448–450

female personality, 661–665


and Christianity, 561–562

the Fall and, 30n

female personality and, 662–663

social science methodology, 469–477

women’s rights, 512–513

feminized male, 640, 653–657

Firmilian, 307

Fox, Robin, 444–447

freedom, 341–342, 545–546

Freud, Sigmund, 416–417

Freudianism, 465

frustration (man/​woman differences), 402n*, 407–408

full person (ethical principle), 547

functional principle, 483–491

bureaucracy, 486

defined, 483–484

functional roles, 601–603

Fundamentalism, 352–357

defined, 353–355

gap between the centuries, 558–560

gay liberation, 532

Gelasius I, Pope, 313–314


historicity, 5–9

subordination in, 32–35

Gentile Christians, 150–151

goal orientation, 398–402

Goldberg, Stephen, 440


in early Christian community, 303–332

guidelines for in Christian community, 622–623

in traditional society, 495–496

group behavior, 434–437

hair styles, 197

Hamburg, Beatrix, 447

Haustafel. See household codes

head (Pauline understanding), 182–184

headcovering, 169–187, 273

headship, 83–88

health (man/​woman differences), 409

Hellenistic culture, 272–274

hesed, 81n

hēsychia (quietness), 198

Hildebrand, Dietrich von, 389, 401n

Hillel, school of, 4


Genesis and, 6–8

Marxist view of, 527–528

honor, 94–95

hormones, 409, 413–414

household codes, 74–89, 263–264

Huldah (prophetess), 106


as a people, 591–594

creation of, 11–14

purpose of, 36


authority in family, 54

cares for family, 51–55

provider, 81–82, 96–97

role of, 48–56

ruler (head), 50

hypostassō (subordination), 23


defined, 520

ethical principles, 544–550

importance in modern world, 533–535

Liberalism, 521–525

liberation movements, 532–533

modern Christianity and, 538–540, 550–551

romantic reaction, 529–532

Socialism, 525–529

Ignatius of Antioch, 292

image of God

humanity as, 11–14

restored through Christ, 146

individualism, 492–495

inferiority, 43–44

insecurity, 517

inspiration of scripture, 336

integration/​differentiation (trait-pattern), 388–398

intellectual differences, 392–395, 408

ish (human), 13n, 19n*

ishshah (woman), 19n*

isolation, 505–506

Jacklin, Carol, 435–437

Jehuda, Rabbi, 149


behavior toward women, 246–255

new Adam, 36–39

restorer of new humanity, 37–39

Job, 51–54


effect on early church, 267–271

first-century, 243–249

religious obligations, 244–245

women in, 243–255

worship in temple, 244

Jung, Carl, 651n

Junia(s), 132

kephalē (head), 83–85

Kibbutzim, 431–433

kinship bonds, 502–504

labor, division of, 423

Laodicea, Council of, 313


approaches to, 643–648

early church and, 124–134

early vs. contemporary church, 125–130

strengthening of, 642–650

subordination and, 127

women in, 622–625

See also elders; government

legalism, 349–352

legislation, 683–687

Levy, Marion J., 655–656

Liberalism, 521–525

liberationist exegesis, 230–235

liberation movements, 532–533

Lloyd, Barbara, 470

love, 80–82, 598

Lutheranism, 350–351n

Maccoby, Eleanor, 435–437

machismo, 660–661

male absenteeism, 427–428

male characteristics (summarized), 448–450

male personality, 653–663


creation of, 15–16

first-born, 25

man/​woman differences

aggression, 404–405, 436

anxiety, 407

bodily experience, 395–398

brain, 409

causes of, 410–417, 439–448

cross-cultural patterns, 422–425

dependence, 436

emotional, 390–391, 394, 406–408

ethological evidence, 437–439

fear, 407

frustration, 402, 407–408

goal/​personal need orientation, 398–402

group behavior, 434–437

health, 409

hormonal rhythm, 409

individual, 379–420

integration/​differentiation, 388–398

intellectual, 392–395, 408

maturation, 409

nurturance, 405–406

physical, 408–410

sexuality, 395–398

size, 409

social structural, 421–459

spatial ability, 408

strength, 409

summary of, 448–452

talking about, 382–385

verbal ability, 408

marriage. See family

Marxism, 525–529

Mary (disciple of Jesus), 251

masculinized woman, 661–662

mashal (rule), 34

matriarchy, 425

matrilineal society, 426–427

maturation, 409

Mead, Margaret

cross-cultural studies, 412

goal/​personal need trait-pattern, 400–401

man/​woman sexual diffusion, 397

social order, 602–603

value of social roles, 457

menstrual cycle, 414–415

Midrash, 246–249

Mill, John Stuart, 522

missionary work, 115–118

Modernism, 352–357


social structure in, 611–612

women in, 314–318

Money, John, 413–414

Montanism, 307

Mosaic Law

Gentiles and, 150–151

women in, 148–152

mother, 64–70

mother-daughter relationship, 68, 664

musar (training), 69

mutual subordination, 75–76n

mystērion (mystery), 88

neqaybah (female), 12n†

new humanity, 591–594

New Testament

authority of teaching, 216–219

intent of teaching, 218–222

man/​woman roles, 212–224, 577–579

pastoral approach, 580–584

principles of application, 579–584

social teaching of, 598

See also scripture

Newman, John Henry, 565–566

nurturance (man/​woman differences), 405–406

obedience, 82–83, 89–90

occupations, 678–682

oikodespotein (ruler of home), 57

oneness of man/​woman, 217–218

ordination of women, 674–678

Origen, 294–295, 306–307

original sin, 29–36

Ortner, Sherry, 394, 424, 434, 475

paideia (discipline), 69

parent-child relationships, 506–507

pastoral care, 619–620

patristic literature, 103n, 291–301, 304–311

Paul (apostle)

attitude toward women, 255–259

circumcision, 144

consistency of teaching, 242

freedom, 341–342

Mosaic law, 143–144

and pagan culture, 255–259

rabbinic influence on, 268–269

role teaching, 140–167

See also Paul’s letters in Scripture Index

personal care, 496–497

personal need orientation, 398–402

personal relationships

Christian teaching on, 262–264

in technological society, 497–502

personal subordination, 543


female characteristics, 661–665

male characteristics, 653–663

philadelphia (brotherly love), 158, 598, 616

Philip, daughters of (prophetesses), 104–105

Phoebe (deaconess), 120–121

Photius of Constantinople, 314

physical differences, 408–410

Pius X, Pope, 353

Pius XI, Pope, 301–302

Polycarp of Smyrna, 292

presbyteras (older women), 132–133

presbyteros (elder/​older man), 132–133

priesthood, 305–306

See also ordination of women

quietness, 198

rabbinic teaching

attitudes toward women, 244–245

effects on early church, 267–271

New Testament reflects, 363–364

relational principle, 483–491, 594–599


brother-sister, 667–668

celibates, 669–671

Christian community and, 214, 594–599

father-son, 64–68

husband-wife, 26–28, 73–101, 290–302, 666–669

man-woman, 666–669

mother-daughter, 68, 664

outside Christian community, 629–636

single people, 669–671

in technological society, 483, 497–502

in traditional society, 483, 595


Christian, 342–343

women’s, 512–513


cross-cultural patterns of, 422–434

cultural expression of, 625–626

guidelines for, 614–636

New Testament teaching on, 95–101, 213–216, 264–267

objections to, 604–608

social, defined, 599–604

romantic reaction, 529–532

ros (head), 84

Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist, 423, 429–430, 440–442

Ryder, Norman, 506–507, 508, 509–510

Saragossa, Council of, 313


apostolic, 336–337

application of, 374–375, 554–555, 557, 577–583; objections to,557–571; principles for,580–584

approach to, 4–5, 333

authority of, 333–357, 575–576

bypasses of authority of, 358–375

canonicity of, 335

contradictions in, 368–371

Fundamentalism, 352–357

inspiration of, 336

intent of, 571–573

interpretation of, 7, 352–357, 576–577; individualistic,365–367

meaning for now, 556–558

rabbinic influences on, 363–364

submission to, 339–341, 344–349, 372–373

understanding, 345–349

See also New Testament

Seaman, Barbara, 455

Second Vatican Council, 289n‡, 338

self-fulfillment, 546

sexism, 607–608


effects of role breakdown on, 454

man/​woman differences, 395–398

Shammai, school of, 4

Shema, 245

signs of the times, 560–564

sin. See original sin

size (man/​woman differences), 409

slavery, 156–157, 161–164, 265–266

social complexity, 428–430

social responsibility, 657–658

social roles

characteristics of, 599–604

and functional roles, 600–604

guidelines for, 620–622, 627–628

objections to, 604–608

value of, 164–167, 457–459

See also roles

social science methodology, 460–477

social structure

Christian community and, 597–604

Christianity and, 635–636

diversity of, 426–431

early church, 263–264

explaining differences in, 439–448

guidelines for, 620–622

man/​woman differences, 422–439

role breakdown in, 453–456

socialist, 610–611

structuralist hypothesis, 443–448

in technological society, 483–490

in traditional society, 483–490

Socialism, 525–529

society. See social structure


descriptive methods, 385–386

experimental methods, 386–387

spatial ability (man/​woman differences), 408

specialization, 488–489

standardization, 488–489

Stein, Edith, 389, 401

strength (man/​woman differences), 409

structuralism, 443–448

submission, 339

subordination, 76–101

Abraham and Sarah, 89–90

character trait, 93

as cultural universal, 424

Genesis and, 23–28

and Gn 3 curses, 32–35

guidelines for, 622–623

husband-wife, 76–101

inferiority and, 43–45

Israelite society and, 26–28

mutual, 75–76n

New Testament teaching on, 95–101

oppressive (see domination)

and submissiveness, 93

types of, 40–45

and unchristian spouse, 90–91

value of in church, 592–593

Swidler, Arlene, 8–9n*(8)

Tabitha, 111

Talmud, 246–249

task efficiency, 483–484, 487

teacher, office of, 107–108


function of, 199

in New Testament church, 107–110

women and, 107–110, 198–199, 203–204

technological society, 478–518

achievement orientation in, 497

adapting to, 629–636

ethics in, 545–550

evaluation of, 514–518, 551–553

psychological problems, 516–517

relationships in, 595–596

social problems, 514–516

social roles in, 604–608

values in, 497–502

Tertullian, 295–296, 306, 325–326

Thecla (evangelist), 118

Theodore of Mopsuestia, 310

Theodoret of Cyrus, 310

the “world,” 550

Tiger, Lionel, 444–447

Toledo, Council of, 313


authority of, 288–289

defined, 288–290

interpretation of, 326–328

objections to, 318–319

strength of, 322–323

value of, 286–287

traditional roles, influence of, 510–511

traditional society, 479–483

Christian society and, 609–610, 628–629

relationships in, 483, 595

training of children, 68–69

Trilling, Lionel, 500–501n


and community, 39n†

God’s desire, 39–40

subordination and, 41

values (in technological society), 497–502

Vatican II. See Second Vatican Council

verbal ability, 408

Victorian caricature, 513

von Hildebrand, Dietrich. See Hildebrand, Dietrich von


charitable service and, 110–113

order of, 56–57, 122


role of, 56–64, 97–101

subordinate to husband, 60, 82–83


companion to man, 20–21

creation of, 17–19

glory of man, 181–182

helper, 22

Victorian caricature of, 513

weakness of, 320–321

womanhood, 663

women’s liberation, 532–533

See also feminism

women’s rights, 511–513, 512–513, 683–687

work (guidelines for), 620–622

worship, 151–152, 171–187, 274

zakar, 12n†